
Thursday, September 4, 2008

what a day....

I had an early morning doctor's appt. and made it to campus by 9, where I worked productively for an hour and 15 minutes. Then I went over to the education building to meet with SAM and figure out what to do since ... I forgot to pay my fee bill. My meeting with SAM went well turns out I just need to keep working and get my draft to him as soon as possible - please send your comments, Jenny ;)

Since I forgot to pay my fee bill I got dropped from my hours and it wouldn't be a bureaucracy if there weren't a form to fill out and signatures to get.... first step SAM signs off, second step faculty adviser signs off - this required waiting around in SAMS office for FA to show up. third step - dean of graduate school signs off - this required walking half way across campus to the administration building. fourth step - take form to registrar where they add the class and give me a new form - luckily in the same building. fifth step - take new form to another place where they make a new fee bill. step six - pay said fee bill by 5 pm using mastercard, discover or dinner's club.

so exactly how much writing did I get done today..... the boy just threw a fit - because I wouldn't let him eat popcorn on the couch and fell asleep in time-out - I am writing right now.

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